十三經   Thirteen Scriptures (Classics)

1. 周易 Zhouyi (Yijing) Zhou Changes (Scripture of Change)
2. 尚書 Shangshu (Shujing) Shang Documents (Scripture of Documents)
3. 毛詩 Maoshi (Shijing) Mao Poetry (Scripture of Poetry)
4. 周禮 Zhouli Zhou Rituals
5. 儀禮 Yili Etiquette and Ritual
6. 禮記 Liji Record of Ritual
7. 春秋左傳 Chunqiu Zuozhuan Spring and Autumn (Annals) w/ Zuo commentary
8. 春秋公羊傳 Chunqiu Gongyangzhuan Spring and Autumn (Annals) w/ Gongyang commentary
9. 春秋榖梁傳 Chunqiu Guliangzhuan Spring and Autumn (Annals) w/ Guliang commentary
10. 論語 Lunyu Analects
11. 孝經 Xiaojing Scripture of Filiality
12. 爾雅 Erya Approaching Refinement
13. 孟子 Mengzi Mencius